miércoles, 10 de abril de 2019

Notes of the Soul Families Workshop March 2019

Notes of the Soul Families Workshop  March 2019

Dear ones, I am pleased to share my notes of the Soul family Workshop with Cobra on the 16 and 17th of March 2019.

While I have taken extreme care, first writing by hand, and later transcribing my notes for digital sharing, I have to make clear that this text should not be taken as the exact words of Cobra, who wrote back to me: "OK to publish".

You are encouraged to share this document using this link:

10 of April 2019
Version: 1.02

By Cobra 

Saturday March 16th

-Soul Brothers and Sisters
-Soul Mates
-Twin Souls

- Soul Perspective
- Truth and Integrity
- Love and Sexuality

Sunday March 17th

-Bubbles of Heaven and New Atlantis
-Planetary Light Grid Sacred Geometry
-Contact Dish and Entry Protocols

- Individual Ascension Process
- Group Ascension Process
- Planetary Ascension Process

Everybody welcome. As you have entered this building you have received the red pill.

From this point there is no turning back. You are a soul that will receive tools and understanding for a breakaway civilization on this planet, tools for a totally new societal structure on this world, and you will go as deep as you feel guided. On the surface there will be pioneers that will be leading towards the new age and ascension. The Event is a compression breakthrough that will happen through us.

After the meditation on the 21st of January 2019 a new cycle began and we are creating a new reality on the surface. We agreed no longer to wait for the cabal to be removed, so everybody welcome to the world of the red pill.

I would like to dedicate this workshop to the presence of Isis Astara, who will be supporting this work and we are going to connect with the energy. Everybody close your eyes and watch your breath and we will connect to the goddess energy which will be with us for the rest of the workshop (We listened to the YouTube video  The Goddess Spiral - Golden Spiral Meditation).


The purpose of this workshop is the victory of the light on this planet, as it is everything I do around the planet. Some technical details: you can spread the info but send it to me first, and write it is an interpretation not my words. Seventy to eighty percent is reliable.

We have come from many places and will do a meditation to align.

Close your eyes and watch your breath, and as you breath in and out you relax.
And as you breathe in brilliant white light you expel from your physical body all pain, discomfort and everything you do not need anymore.
And as you breath in brilliant white light into your plasma body, you let go all blockages, programming, let them go.
And now as you breath in into your plasma body and breath out, you release light in all directions, and keep breathing like that.
And now as you breath in, you breath in brilliant white light into your plasma body, and as you breath out, you let go all blockages, bio-chips, programming, let it go. 
And now as you breath in into your plasma body you radiate that brilliant white light in all directions,
and we keep breathing like that.
And now as you breath in, you breath in brilliant white light into your etheric body or energy body, and as you breath out, you let go all blockages from chakras and meridians, let it go. 
And now as you breath in into your etheric body you radiate that brilliant white light in all directions, and we keep breathing like that.
And now as you breath in, you breath in brilliant white light into your astral or emotional body, you permeate all your emotions with that light,
and as you breath out, you let go all emotions like sadness, anger, fear, whatever is there, just let it go. 
And now as you breath in into your astral body you radiate that brilliant white light in all directions,
and we keep breathing like that.

It is like vacuum-cleaning your soul.

And now as you breath in, you breath in brilliant white light into your mind,
and as you breath out, you release from your mind everything you do not need anymore, let go all worries, belief systems, let it go. 
And now as you breath in into your plasma body you radiate that brilliant white light in all directions,
and we keep breathing like that.
And as you breathe out your radiate light in all directions,
and as you breath in, you will breathe brilliant white light in the totality of your being,
and you become a being of light,
you are light, 
and to confirm this we sing the sacred OM 3 times.
And as a being of light we connect to other beings of light,
we breathe in brilliant white light, and breathe in and out as one being, big angelic being, and we see one column of light from the sky to the center of the Earth and connect to other beings of light, we connect to people in the motherships and the underground, and we are one being of light and we confirm that by singing the sacred OM 3 times
And you can visualize other groups as points of light that are creating a planetary network of light expanding through the planet,
you can see, feel, experience all darkness disappearing until the whole planet becomes one point of light, and we confirm this by singing the sacred OM 3 times.
And we can see our galaxy as a double spiral full of a stars, and each point is a point of light and the central sun of the galaxy and the galactic central sun is sending light into each of the stars, and all our galaxy is now full of light, and that is the galactic network of light and our sun also sends light and you can visualize, and feel and experience the galactic central sun sending light completing the galactic network of light, and this is the completion of the old prophecy “when all darkness will disappear” and we confirm this by singing the sacred OM three times.
Slowly you are becoming aware of your physical body, your surroundings, the floor beneath your feet, you stay in this state of consciousness.
Everybody welcome back.

Through our experiences in this planet, we have gone through programming. We are manifesting our reality based on this belief system. Some programs are millions or thousands of years old, others fresh, and we are going to start de-constructing the matrix.

The 1st layer of implants: These are energy crystals implanted in our energy fields with strong magnetic energy. We were first implanted as we came many lifetimes ago. It disconnects us from The Source, from our inner light, and creates a split personality. This means everybody on the surface of the planet has schizophrenia because everybody has been implanted with this primary implant which does the personality split, from what you truly are to an artificial personality created on this primary split. This is the basis of the matrix. The matrix will be de-constructed when you connect with who you really are, this is the primary mission. Once done you will de-construct all the others.

The 2nd layer of implants are what we got as we entered the surface of this planet. It does an split between male and female polarities. This split created human society. Almost everything that you have read, heard or seen is a lie. You are living under Archons, fallen angels, which created a prison. We are now de-constructing this prison liberating our souls, minds and bodies. In the last 25.000 years the controllers have created a sophisticated program of control so you will receive now tools. It is not easy, its challenging but rewarding and you will become the true-self and you won‘t be a slave anymore, and we will create a new society.

The world is limiting everything that you see, feel and experience, it is an expression of reality, like when you go out and see the stars and think you are seeing everything, but there are 100 billion galaxies, can you imagine how much is out there? Some things are coming beyond the area that we see.

(At many intervals, Cobra asked for questions from the audience, sometimes I gathered only the answers).

Q: How do you know there are fallen angels? When you connect with your higher self you just know.
Q: Can you talk about the Archons? The Archons are angelic beings who decided to experiment the primary anomaly, and are now controlling this planet.
Q: How does the universe looks out there? In the past there were many universes and now there is an integration cycle.
Q: In order for the light to exist, do we need darkness? No. Light is not conditional.
Q: Are you familiar with Teal Swan's work? No.
Q: How effective is free will if it is not connected to your higher self? You can use your free will to the extension you are connected to your higher self and we have still some disconnection, but you always have freedom of choice which is not free will. The sphere of availability is the area of reality you can use for manifestation, and by working on free will you increase it.
Q: When you say light, you also mean love? Yes. They are two aspects of everything that is created.

The meditation on the 21st of January 2019 was the most successful, a game changer leading to planetary liberation. That is why we can work creating a new reality. That energy is the answer, the response to end suffering. I am well aware that this is taking too long. I am patient, but it is still too much for me. This cosmic energy coming will transform everything. The cosmic central sun is the source of light and love, and the Pleiadians have asked me to work with tachyon energy. Tachyon energy are superluminal particles, the first ones created at the beginning and closed to The Source, they are not subjected to anything, only to strong nuclear forces, that is why when they interact with the structure of matter they change the structure of matter. At a high level they create a link between physical matter to The Source.

Use of some stones:
Cintamani: To anchor light. This stone will gather soul families and lead through ascension process
Moldavite: Contact with Pleiadians
Morganite: Unconditional love
Aqua Marine: 5th dimension
Goshenite: Ascension
Ruby: Grounding
Tachyon Goddess Collection: Anchor goddess energies.

There was a break from 1:30-3:30 with initiations in between.


Soul Brothers and Sisters

Soul family is the basis of society in the enlightened positive universe, it is the key to create a harmonious society.  Soul family has two meanings: beings created in similar way, similar soul structure, and beings which connect at a soul level.

We are going to introduce this norm. In 1997 The Resistance Movement had fighting and conflicts but in 1997 they were instructed about soul families, and they followed these instructions with much less reluctance than the surface population, and it took four to five years to reach zero conflict in their society. They do not have communication or relationship problems now because they followed the instructions.
The Pleiadians asked me to do this many years ago, and I told them to forget about it, that you can do this thing after the event, but drastic changes have happened now and I will do it.

The Matrix movie shows precisely that every individual is an agent of the matrix, it protects it, internalizes it, suffers it. It takes a lot of courage to break free so there are basically two options:
1. Stay in the matrix (with a programmed life, going to kindergarten, school, wife, kids, dog, half a cat, and die) with everything conveniently decided for you so you can live a depressed and unhappy, empty life, but it is safe and comfortable. This option is what people takes.
2. Break through the programming. To take the first step is very hard, then it will get easier. The matrix AI will detect this new frequency and will try to put you down, wife, kids, are programs to control. Every time you are doing something unexpected you are breaking the matrix, for ex. going to India for 1 month. Once you break through, you expand your sphere of availability, more becomes available, the connection with the true-self expands. Either you listen to your fear and hold back, or conquer the fear and move forward.
There will be a small group of pioneers which will break away from the matrix and start as soul families in bubbles of heaven.
The Resistance Movement has entry protocols, they have realized, after some interaction, that the surface population is not ready. They have asked me to include some protocols to get ready for contact.
When you have face to face meetings with those beings, and same with Pleiadians ships, some will freak out. One things is to read a blog at home, but seeing, through your window, an actual ship landing  is another story. Interacting with those beings is another story.

This is a group of 350 people. A small group will do all the journey, some part of it. When the event happens people will have to face realities they were denying.
The easiest, how people were manipulated, this will be challenging but easy.
Next, people will be presented with life in other planets, but when contacts become a reality.
The next level will be shocking, how much darkness was on this planet, the amount of hidden suffering, child abuse, etc., it will be hard to process.
The next level of difficulty, after the event, is to be face to face with sexual energy, because it has been manipulated. This will be the hardest challenge for the surface population theoretically, energetically, practically, and it will continue after the event.

The key to stabilize this process is to gather soul families. Cintamani stones have been positioned energetically to stabilize the grid for the next step. Cintamani grid has stabilized in a way that soul families can start to happen, and this will stabilize everything even more for the event.

The sole determining factor to assist in planetary liberation is to connect with your inner self, and to connect with other people.

What does Soul Family mean?  During the time from 2012-2013 there was a phase of purification where many light workers and light warriors were attacked, and it created conflict around the world. Conflict is possible if there are no soul families.
We are starting the process of soul families. The basic understanding is that everybody is a soul brother or a soul sister, it means that you do not perceive others only as 3D beings. The underlining basis is the connections from soul to soul. People tends to relate to people based on programs and tends to label them. The human mind tends to organize reality as it perceives it. It is trained to work in an ineffective way.
If you are using your mind in the way the society teaches you, your mind to express your soul, to analyze concepts, 80%  is wrong because wrong conclusions is information from other people which is incorrect as well. The mind has wrong conclusions about other people.
If you go on a high level you will perceive the others the way they are. The more advanced soul families are taking this quantum leap, and I will give you tools to do that.

Before this planet was occupied people were living unconscious but in supporting communities, the whole community was one being. There was no concept of biological family but a tribe, soul family, not conscious but an archetype level. Biological family was introduced to control DNA which causes many problems because it is a closed system. Thermodynamics entropy says problems only increase, and the only way to solve this is to interact with beings outside of the biological family.

It is time now to expand beyond biological family, to a conscious soul family which you recognize and interact at soul level. It does not mean all biological families will end, but that everything will be done at soul level.

There is guidance for the drastic changes in the future. Whatever is true will remain, whatever is part of the illusion, or false, will fall apart.  Everything based on the illusion will be taken away from you.

Q: Are you familiar with the work of Robert Monroe and Courtney Brown? Yes.
Q: Is the soul family a structure used in the Resistance Movement ? Yes.
Q: Wouldn't it be better to call the Resistance Movement, Assistance Movement? Cobra explained: Somebody in the Resistance had to resist nuclear war and the destruction of this world. Anchor of duality, otherwise we would be in concentration camps by now.
Q: Who are these most advanced persons doing a quantum leap? Everybody here and in other similar groups around the world. We are the ones making this.
Q: How to connect with others looking through the programming: If you relate from soul level, you will connect from soul to soul and you will be able to assist them in the process, but relating to the traumatized area is not your task. Each one of us have traumatized areas, don’t use these to trigger the others.
Q: How many soul families are in this room? Soul families are interlocking and are a network. Every being is a part of a soul family which connects to other soul families.
Q: Are you in contact with the inner earth society? I have discussions of actual operations for liberation and soul families.
Q: How is it to meet members of your soul family? People having a similar journey are often part of the soul family.

Soul Mates

Connections between soul mates are stronger, they were created in a similar way, they have similar experiences and they connect at a soul level. Usually incarnated as different polarities male and female. They have strong magnetic attraction coming from the 6th dimension. It is a very powerful energy, and depending how ready you are, if you are aware enough, you will feel a strong attraction. If you are programmed you will feel a reaction because a program is triggered. So they come together strongly, and a strong purification starts because it is the strongest healing connection, it is the strongest spiritual transformation. If they work on their inner shadows, they can transform the surface of the planet, and controlling forces will do whatever they can to stop it.
What if you want to run away from this person? The one who wants to run away must stop. If you meet somebody that you feel strong attraction but you want to run away, stop. Look at the fear, put it in a violet flame. Next time meet, stop, and talk. For the person chasing, stop chasing, look inside, transform it, start manifesting your soul mate.

Goddess leyline (new York, Versailles, Stonehenge, Syria) it is the entry point for goddess energy. We are liberating by doing special operations.
In the past, when souls meet the dark forces, they were generating loosh, channeling and sending dark energy into this leyline in Syria, Iraq, sending soul drama into this areas and starting the war.
Syria is the anchoring point of the goddess Atargatis (mermaid goddess). The energy from the Sirius system is an energy of divine grace.  The dark forces suppressed this for 7.000 years, and there is still so much conflict to suppress this energy. If it collapses, its over. They do not allow the Sirian energy to heal the planet (check pyramids of Mexico, Teotihuacan).

Advanced technology embedded in the energy grid controls your state, your kundalini, your basic life force, the energy field of your light body connected to the energy grid.

The 21 of January meditation allowed the cosmic kundalini to enter. It starts healing relationships in the planet, and it will become stronger. What is of truth and love will stay, what is of the illusion will fall apart. A part of your mind is part of the matrix and it will transform it. It is connected to the planet religious programming, which was simple to create, and it was the key to create aggression, to suppress the female sexual energy. Provides promises of rewards to males and wars happen. It is easy in the middle east.

When the soul mates manage to go beyond their programming, they create a sacred union between heaven and earth. It is a union at the soul, mental, emotional, and physical level. Creates an energy field which can transform the energy grid on the planet.

Twin Souls

Twin soul or twin flame, there is only one. Soul mates are many. It is one being created and split into polarities. When one being descends from the 6th to the 5th dimension, division occurs, male and female polarities are created and incarnation happens. It is extremely rare for twin souls to meet. The energy when the twin souls meet is so strong that many people would not survive. It is like seeing all your past lives, hopes and fears all at once. 
Controlling forces block these meetings, promoting twin soul fantasy, a matrix programming to make a woman believe that a man is the twin soul projecting expectations to him, and it is the underlying motivation for marriage. He may be the soul family but not the twin soul.

The meditation to connect with the twin soul helps to get a telepathic connection and put all relationships in perspective. Aligns your own energy field. If you know who your twin soul is, you will relate to others in a more balanced way.

Close your eyes, breath in and out.
The purpose of this is to create a connection with your twin soul, which could be on the surface of the planet, or Agartha, or the astral plane, a ship or anywhere else.
This meditation will transcend time and space and create that connection.
Visualize the ideal mate, visualize that being in perfection, visualize that being, do not hold it.
It is in front of you 2 meters away.
Visualize all details, clothes, shoes, smile, hands, nose, all details.
You are also aware of the energy of that being, personal characteristics, all aspects of character, you are aware of the soul presence.
Visualize the physical and non physical.
And this being is alive sitting in front of you and we connect our fields, connect our base chakras, connect our sexual chakras, orange color, flowing energy from you to the being and back, 3rd chakras, yellow color, and so on, all 7 chakras, doing a physical, etheric and mental connection.
Breath together into your heart, as you breath out, you breath our from your heart, and as you start breathing out, get closer to your twin soul, and tell your twin soul what you want to say, keep breathing through your heart.
Now listen what your twin soul has to say. There is a brilliant white light flowing from 2 meters above you forming an equilateral triangle of 2 meters each side, and the light is flowing through this triangle. The Source is blessing and supporting this connection.
Now we stop visualizing this triangle and visualize the image of your twin soul getting smaller and smaller and integrating it in your heart.
Slowly start to become aware of your surroundings and open your eyes.

You have been given some tools to create the soul family. If you meditate once a week to connect with your twin soul, you will accelerate your ascension dramatically.

Q: What should I do If I cannot visualize the twin flame? You can use other senses, feel the person
Q: Difference between twin soul and soul mate? Twin soul is very powerful, when you do the meditation, you will know the difference. The connection will crystallize if you do this for weeks or months. When you meditate you will go through clearing distortions and programs and it usually takes a few months to clear that up.
Q: Soul to soul connection is usually through the heart chakra, rarely from the soul star chakra.
Q: QAnon is not connected to the Pleiadians.
Q: If there is critical mass in your awareness you become a catalyst for transformation.
Q: Twins on the flesh do not have anything to do with twin souls.
Q: About Untersberg: Very special energy place for the mysteries of the goddess, grail mysteries. There is an inter-dimensional portal, it will have a specific purpose after the event. This is the place where the secret space program started in 1919. Go and feel how special it is.
Q: Maya break-through civilization. The Maya vanished 600 AD, went into Agartha.
Q: Is the Maya calendar an Archon program? No, it is based in cosmic cycles and it was given by the Pleiadians. There are some Maya in Agartha, some in Pleiades.

Announcement: There is a free Tachyon chamber in Denmark (donations welcomed).  tid@tachyondanmark.dk


The soul family is an interconnected mandala, a fabric of the light within the universe into The One.

One part of the plan is to manifest this mandala on the surface. The planet is interconnected, the most awaken are connecting to the light grid. We are beginning to connect with cosmic light so one of the most important things is the activation of your light body. When the light body is activated you achieve ascension, transcending space and time. That light begins to permeate everything in you and this light creates a toroidal vortex field and this torus creates a field of light connected to the planetary grid and raises the kundalini.

Soul Perspective

This light force has been suppressed by programs of the matrix, but it is beginning to activate your light body and your energy field does not fit the matrix anymore. And as a catalyst, you begin to see everything from the soul perspective, seeing the highest purpose of every interaction, which is part of the liberation plan and evolution of the universe. This guide gets more precise as you go.

Truth and Integrity

To be yourself: the matrix has programs to disconnect us from ourselves putting a mask to start hiding emotions, feelings, etc. To liberate from the matrix remove this mask from your emotions, thoughts, etc. Conflicts are due to somebody holding truth.
The key for new relationships is to be yourself, to be part of a soul family. One important thing is to speak truth, not everybody is ready to be honest. Do not use lies to manifest, you will be manifesting more lies. It may take a lot of courage to tell your mother “I am a Pleiadian” but there is no other way around.
Most people is not aligned with their own truth. You align, you manifest, you resonate with who you are.

After the 21st the darkness has no more power on manifestation. It is becoming much easier to live your life as you want it to be.

Love and Sexuality
After being separated from The Source, the 2nd layer of programming comes doing an split between male and female. Created in Atlantis with etheric crystals charged with strong magnetic fields. We have now 2 different species. The female psychological reality is completely different from the male one.
So, first this created female and male energies, separating the energy of sex with the energy of the heart. Usually there should be a flow but everyone has it. 3 fingers above the navel is the location of that implant, between the 2nd and 4th chakra.

Every female has program A: Heart energy good, sex energy bad. Males other way around.

Program A: Emotions, to cry is fine, but they are not allowed to feel sex energy due to thousands of years of suppression. On those times she could have been killed, arrested, etc.

Program B: Not allowing men to cry. 100 years ago, if a man cried, he could have got in trouble. Thousands of years later, started to be removed, in 1960 with the hippy movement.

The first phase of the feminist movement was right, it wanted financial freedom for women. If a woman is financially free, she has the means to express herself.
The banking system is based on female energy suppression. Banks are stable only only until female energy is suppressed. If feminine energy is suppressed it causes and imbalance in men, and then, there are two solutions: go to war or start a business.
The key is for a man to allow himself to feel his emotions. When these two meet there is a certain energy which connects both energies into one.

Q: If the kundalini rise, can it be blocked again? To a certain degree.
Q: How does sexual energy turns into pedophilia? Pedophilia is love for children. But this is abuse of children. These beings have so much blockages and hate to the inner child and this is the only way they can deal with this. This is the most possible distorted way of sexual energy. Many cases are based on their own child trauma.
Q:If energy is expressed and not blocked there is a Samadhi experience.
Q: Reptilians were used to traumatize children to create an slave race.
Q: Steps for a breakaway civilization:
1.Physiologically and physically. Creating a new one starting today. We are going to form a soul family.
2. Start physically creating islands of light.
3. Contact.
4. Either travel beyond the surface of the planet or inside the planet.
Q: Soul trap: If you are going into the light, you could fall into a trap. It is an AI that catches the soul. If you are connected with your soul presence you can avoid that.
Q: Protect from psychic attacks: Read “Protection” in my blog.
Q: Did you have physical contact with Pleiadians Yes, some time ago.
Q: Did you have physical contact with the Resistance Movement? Yes, cannot talk about it.
Q: Samadhi experience: Most efficient way is to have it with soul mates.

In Atlantis, female and males received one aspect of the program, and transferred it from generation to generation. The program for the females allows them to have sexual connections only with her twin soul. Because of this program women look for the perfect husband and stick to it. Women are searching for something but they do not know what it is. The Illuminati Disney family used this program, which was about searching for twin soul, into catching him, controlling him, suppressing him. So even if a woman is able to find him, he will not be free because his kundalini will be blocked.
The Archons have made a perfect spy system. She will be on top of what he is doing. A man is allowed to have a “perfect disconnect” on a deep soul level.

The main program means that you are allowed to have one connection with one person only. If you are controlling  your partner’s connections, you are controlling his or her life force. This was brought from Orion and spread by the patriarchal system.
You have a perfect control system if you are controlling your partner’s kundalini, and as such, acting as part of the matrix.

The key is simple, if you are putting a fence around your partner, you are extending the matrix.
If you are giving freedom to your partner and of its own decides on staying because that is what it wants, not because it has to, that is the right way, a connection done from the soul perspective.

The kundalini energy is the primary life force.
Pure feminine energy is pure receptivity. Pure masculine energy is pure action.
Pure masculine and feminine create a toroidal field that leads to ascension and to a Samadhi experience. If you are masculine and you have reached pure action, you will attract the feminine, but this can be distorted:
If you are masculine and create blockages, you get an angry mans who thinks he knows everything.
If the female is blocked we get a woman who is very critical. Further blocking of the male energy results that the male is not angry but pleases everyone. A controlling woman is more masculine than a pleasing man. That is what the cabal wants and it perpetrates the matrix.  Unblocking and liberating female energy fixes the society.
Let women explore and feel sexual energy without anybody around. One aspect is kundalini snake in spine, the energy that will crack the matrix.
I explained how yellow vests were priestesses from the Resistance Movement in November 2018. The did some exercises and women run half naked. They were activating the life force to crack the matrix. Those yellow vest protests have not stopped. It has been triggered with female sexual energy.
One belief system is that sexual energy can only be expressed with sex. Sex is a flow, as any other energy which flows, it does not need to be physical. Once dissolved will guide humanity to the next level. That is the point were sexual energy and love will happen. Those will be Samadhi experiences that will lead to ascension.
The purpose of awakened women is to work activating the planetary kundalini on the planet, they are the ones that will start the evolution in the planet. It is the female sexual energy that has been suppressed not male sexual energy.
Women are conditioned to pretend that sexual energy does not exist, this is a source of confusion for males; “what does she want?” It is part of my mission to give women tools to do this and be free. When women can be finally free, they will be grateful.

Q: Yoga can also influence the light grid.
Q: Is kundalini awareness part of the light body activation? Exactly.
Q: The Cobra breath exercise (not related to Cobra, this speaker), is one way to raise the kundalini
Q: Female energy, if is is clean, it will attract non dominant male.
Q: Are there Pleiadians with physical bodies? Yes.
Q: Does Putin protects the light? Mostly yes.
Q: Does Trump? Depends on his mood.
Q: Is The Event on march 24th? People who tends to have too much expectations, tends to be disappointment. Do not expect too much.
Q: Technology to eliminate implants? "sex is love, sex is not love" exercises. The first and second implants are harder to remove and they get renewed.
Q. Protection from 5G. My team is developing protocols to protect from 5G. They will be ready next year.
Q: Is there a Tachyon chamber in London? Yes, e-mail me.

Return of the Goddesss
Female = Receptivity, true unconditional love. It needs to return to make transition easy, to heal the planet and it is important to bring it as much as possible.

The pure feminine is a mirror of The Creator, the contact dish that will attract the event. An energy  lake that when it is peaceful, it will be activated.  Created with everybody who connects with the Goddess. And the guidance has been received to restore goddess mysteries. Starting to form groups around the planet. The purpose of the Sisterhood of the Rose was to present goddess mysteries. Over 150 groups in the planet are meeting regularly and anchoring it on the planet.

If you would like to create a group on your own here is the procedure:

Invoke the energy of the goddess to bless you in your work, it will be a part of our mission to bring the presence of the goddess on the planet.
We are calling upon the presence of the Goddess Isis, and high priestess Isis Astara, and she will give your a blessing through a crystal. This is what gives hope for the human race.

You can anchor now this energy in your life. Read the instructions in my blog, and make your group.

Sisterhood of the rose are a main way to anchor the energy of the goddess, and as we get close to the event more mysteries will be given, more points activated. Conscious priestesses of the goddess will anchor goddess energy and lead the surface population to the breakthrough.

Meditation to connect and manifest your twin soul and soul mates in your life. This will accelerate the creation of soul families:

Close your eyes and watch your breath.
As you breath in, and breath out you relax.
Breath in brilliant white light,
breath out brilliant white light,
and you are becoming a being of light,
I am a being of light,
and you are breathing as a being of light,

and keep breathing like that.

We will create a toroidal field around us.
Visualize a field of 1 meter around you, of the highest possible vibration,
and another one of slightly lesser vibration 3 meters around you.
This is the toroidal field around your body, rotating around you,
and in the inner most visualize your twin soul, 
in the middle one, your soul mates 
and in the outer your soul brothers and sister and your soul family.

Keep visualizing in silence.

Slowly we are coming back in this space and we open your eyes.

Do this meditation for a few months, and you will be going through a purification process.
(Many saw blue light coming from the cosmic central sun which is activating soul family).

Q: Why is Sisterhood of the rose attendance dwindling? What is happening is a test of dedication.
Q. Budapest is a center of a very powerful goddess vortex. There are Resistance Movement priestesses (mermaids) doing the activation.
Pay attention to your dreams.
Q: Does female polarity only incarnates in a female body? Can have both. There is a general tendency after the split that if one is having a male incarnation, most of the incarnations will be male.
Q: How to recognize pure masculine and feminine? Feminine is receptivity and acceptance (Isis Astara). About masculine I cannot give concrete examples. 
Q: (question might have been like: How can we avoid following a false light after dying?) If you have connection with your higher self you have guidance all the time, even after death.
Q. Can we see the bubbles of heaven with the naked eye? These are non physical areas that we manifest in the physical.
Q. About homosexuality: In certain percent of the cases is soul learning. In certain percentage is blockages operating. In certain percent of the cases is cabal promoting.
Q. Mermaid goddesses: Belong to the Agartha network, they look like humans, sacred initiation pools. A few percent of the people are ready for that. Implants dissolved and work with kundalini and are working with this group.
Q: (Will gold be needed after the event?) Part of the new financial system is based on gold.
Q: Vaccinations: Completely against them. They are poisoning methods from the cabal.
Q: about dedication to the Sisterhood of the rose: A matter of discovering those who have dedication inside, it is not about forcing, more about inspiring to those who are ready.
Q: The removal of the implants is not done by one meditation only. It is a process.


We have got used to live in 3D, where everything is designed for you. This is the regular program. In the last few decades people have tried to break away without knowing the workings of the matrix and failed. As we are transitioning into the new cosmic cycle, there is better understanding.
I have those keys and I am going to be giving as much as you can take, integrate and follow. One thing is to talk, another to experience.
The last year the alfa and beta time-lines collapsed. Now we are in the gamma time-line, it is more stable but requires active participation, which means transformation of your life structure.
1. Theoretical (We went through it already)
2. Find soul family + strong connections
3. Organize in islands of light
The 3rd is very important to get ready for the cultural exchange with other races and the Agartha network.
I was discussing with the resistance movement and they are frustrated with the surface population. They do not have a working protocol. So I will give a protocol to get ready. They don’t like games, they will go to the core of you. They will be your perfect mirror. It is not a joke, it is quite intense. Those living in islands of light will have contact and considered for entry protocols. Many surface people thought their problems will be solved there, but going to Agartha will not solve their problems.
You were incarnated for a reason, you need to become a sovereign being of light, then interaction is possible, otherwise culture shock will be too big. They act, think, and behave differently.

1. Personal preparation
2. Soul Family
3. Physically moving into islands of light
4. Create contact islands of light with Agartha and galactic races.
Where is the event? It can happen at any of these phases. The event is an interaction between all these forces. Imagine one landing in an island of light. It will be your decision in the next few years.  It will be communities built in sacred geometry, sacred science, with understanding of ley lines, protocols are already developed.

We need a group stable enough to live and work together. Requirements:
1. Be a soul family.
2. Each one needs to have at least some clearing of the primary implant. Needs to have connection with the soul, inner guidance, higher self and understanding of their mission to some degree.
3. Need to have, at least to some degree, cleaned the implant sex-heart, because there are some programs that destroy social dynamics for ex. jealousy.
4. Be aware of its own shadow, things not solved. Own its energy field, accept responsibility for mistakes.
Not many people are ready, simple as that. I would ask anybody who fulfills those requirements to come to the stage (Almost half of the attendance went forward).
Cobra: I see lot of people are, or think they are ready. Let’s make an international island of light, with each one who really wants to move to a place like this, be involved in creating the place, and be a part of the soul family mandala.

We are going to build a website to coordinate this. First possible locations for a prototype, Brazil, Crete, Hungary. It is uncharted territory, instructions will be given to build a physical infrastructure for islands of light.

Bubbles of Heaven

The meditation on the 21st of January started a new phase transition on this planet which involves bubbles of heaven. Bubbles of heaven are new realities which manifest through out all dimensions. There was a response from the Central Cosmic Sun, the most evolved consciousness, and because our consciousness has grown enough, it called the attention of the Cosmic Central Sun.
The surface population is ready for liberation, and contact, and for the first time the Cosmic Central Race started sending pulses to earth. That means this new energy has a special signature to dissolve the primary anomaly which will leads to the event and it will happen through us, and when it reaches our consciousness, it changes the structure of the matrix, the primary anomaly, and dissolves them. It registers in the pineal gland and activates it in a special way. Begins to emit frequencies and changes the body, it bends reality. Dark forces cannot reach this frequency.
The more people does a conscious connection with with the Cosmic Central Sun and Cosmic Central Race the better. And when 2 or more people meet with the same frequency, that connection with the  Cosmic Central Sun creates a special field which changes the structure of reality, and creates a bubble of energy different inside than outside.
Those bubbles will grow and get bigger. The energy of this bubble does trigger anything we have not changed yet. This is the red pill not an aspirin.
As we consciously become aware of them we create them. This begins to change our consciousness and perspective and starts to co-create. Islands of light is a co-creation in frequency using principles of manifestation, visualizing it and taking physical action.

There are main blockages or reasons why this is not happening yet:
1. Connected with the base chakra: The manifestation of islands of light is happening through the heart chakra. The key is to find what you need to work to get ready. Consciousness on heart chakra.
The main block is at the base chakra, it has two folds. Fear of survival, money (is dirty, not spiritual). Need to make money for your survival. If you want to be a channel for money use manifestation. You cannot expect to move in without manifesting. It is not a free airbnb. You need to contribute financially.  There are so many ways to manifest money using the Internet. When you move in, you will not have a normal job. That is the reality until the event, until replicators arrive. To get there we need to clear the base chakra.

2. Unblocking sex chakra:  Until you heal sex traumas and work on them, you cannot become a part of an island of light. You must have a special connection sex-heart, otherwise it is triggered in group dynamics. Everywhere a group comes together this implant is triggered and creates drastic drama in the group.
Only when there is enough awareness and work, it will work. That is why 90% of the tries did not work. Grouping in families is controlled somehow but still creates trauma and violence.

3. The third blockage is in the solar plexus. The first aspect is attachment of those who cannot go to the islands of light. Only those without attachment can go. There will be lots of chaos about this at the time of the event. If there is a soul connection, it will be fine. There will be challenges, this is the red pill, your life will change regardless, those matrix compromises will be challenged. Life force cannot be controlled or suppressed.

Healing modalities to heal those issues. You will have to deal with all those things denied, and suppressed. When the galactic wave hits the earth it will be huge. It will be very pleasant for those who want to deal with it. Forget about suppressing your fears, this energy will find you 100%.

Q: Order of severity of blockages: Generally speaking implants 1, 2, 3 chakra.
Q: By being completely honest with yourself you find the answer about how blockages are doing.
Q: Sequence of suns activity for the event: Sun coronal mass ejection from the cosmic central sun to the galactic central sun to our sun which has a coronal mass ejection which triggers the event.
Q: Pets allowed in Islands of Light? Up to the people.
Q: Soul families are around 10 to 20 people. Up to the people to decide when to move in.

We are creating the first step today for a breakaway civilization. Sisterhood of the rose creates a support field for the goddess energy for islands of light.
We are making real progress now, we created an international island of light. Send an introduction email to the organizer. There have been a few articles about islands of light, send them to me.
I will introduce people with advanced architectural knowledge.
What we need to create is an energetic infrastructure, it is not an accident that you have come here, connect with other people in this group, they are interlocking soul families, and will live in islands of light in the future. Start finding and recognizing each other. I have 90% map of the matrix. Start forming groups.
The principle how we will manifest it, through a portal (light body)→ toroidal field, as it is in bubbles of heaven. 

Light body manifestation process. If you connect with the Cosmic Central Sun and Cosmic Central Race the process of manifestation is stronger.

New Atlantis

Islands of light are the brightest point in the planet. Islands of Light will be located on vortex points. The light grid will support manifestation and creation. It also means experiences will be magnified, will be more intense. Atlantis is a code name for paradise.
All this suffering and pain is like a cancer that needs to be removed, planet earth will be a paradise again, islands of light will be the cure for the cancer. The vision and the plan are huge. You will be challenged. Bubbles of heaven in a war zone on the other side, bubbles inside a war zone. We will be challenged, inner conflict, friends, family. Not built since 25.000 years, a whole science being forgotten.
If a large group gets to a level, will do a workshop. There is guidance available, but you need to walk the path. Because this is my mission, I was born for this.

After a few islands of light are built, a template will be done which can be deployed everywhere.

The entropy of the old system will increase, so it is up to you to stay in a train that is about to crash. It is a one way process going to collapse.
I am speaking to those in the forefront of change. One problem of the event is that everyone needs to be able to adapt and survive it. Not easy as it seems. Those in the forefront are assisting humanity in the change.
Those living in islands of light will be cleaning themselves, will receive quite much of abundance of the energy grid. There are points stable emanating light all the time, these are islands of light.

Contact Dish and Entry Protocols

If you own land you can have a mothership land there, and will be protected by the galactic law. Pleiadians will protect with galactic force their ship. Pleiadians are a peaceful race but their patience is up. If you invite them it is protected by galactic love. No government has an issue anymore, it is a private arrangement between you and the Pleiadians. If you invite a landing in your own land it is not part of quarantined earth anymore, and is subjected to the laws of The Confederation.

The last year after the collapse of the alpha time-line the high galactic council decided to take this planet by force. If you wish to assist, make an agreement with the Pleiadians, so they can use your land. Communicate telepathically. Think “I want to dedicate my land to contact dish”.

Cobra was angry and had an argument with the Pleiadians about no landings happening last year. A few hours later he got an e-mail telling there was a landing in Japan. They need to make sure your safety and their safety is assured.

We are taking  over this planet, we had enough.

Some positive military are receiving instructions. Entry protocols (for below, counterpart of above). The Resistance Movement is psychologically closer to the surface population because some came from the surface, and they are not part of the matrix anymore. Their time is used in spiritual and artistic activities. They are not regular soldiers and practice modern techno-shamanic martial arts.
Without them we would be living in concentration camps or the planet would be destroyed. They do whatever they can.

Part of our soul family is not here. So when contact happens, there will be contact between the surface population and the Resistance Movement, the Pleiadians and others.
The Resistance Movement is worried about the surface population and they are involved is soul family recognition.
How will they claim it as a part of confederation domain:
The job of the surface population is to make islands of light, and gather in soul families.
The job of the special forces is the liberation.
Later, most of the planet will be nature, with stargate portals, and most people will be transported to Pleiades and we will create paradise on earth.

Q: Is the contact dish independent from the event? Not completely because it starts happening when cabal is partially removed.
Q. What is the role of the central race? To interact with the awakened population, they are now present inside the solar system.
Q: The bubbles of heaven will allow us to use our free will more and more because as they get stronger, the power of the dark forces diminishes.
Q: Italy: A vortex opens from time to time.
Q: The natural expression is to love more than one individual, you can choose to accept it or deny it. You can love your twin soul and a soul mate; they do not cancel each other.
Q: Autoimmune diseases are strong drama stored in the body, correct the trauma, correct the chakras and the immune system will be corrected.
Q: The problem with Africa is that is is a reptilian experiment. Africa needs physical assistance, so we fulfill the needs of the basic chakra, food, shelter. The second step is education, access to the internet, and then awakening can start.
Q: What happens if a toplet bomb explodes? All surface is absorbed in one toplet particle, and there would be a wormhole difficult to resolve.
Q: Are we connected to the toplet bombs? We are through the primary anomaly.


Individual Ascension Process

There is an individual ascension process everybody is going through.

Picture with this text shown: If you are really honest with yourself, your mission will be of the light.

Ascension means becoming one with yourself, a divine marriage between personality and soul.  This will not happen until erasing all programs. Cobra.
The primary contract removal is the first step toward liberation., as we entered quarantine earth, we had to sign a contract with the dark forces, which gave them permission to control us, and we are going to end those contracts now:

In the name of my I am presence
in the name of my I am that I am
I cancel and nullify all my contracts and agreements with the dark forces, past present and future.
And I decree and I command,
all consequences of those contracts to be null and void.
So be it and so it is!
So be it and so it is!
So be it and so it is!

Do this frequently because every time you do this, you remove thousands upon thousands of contracts you have done in the past.

Implant Triangulation

Representation of an implant, a micro black hole

There are two in the head, these are the primary implants, which break the connection with The Source and keeps the consciousness in the primary anomaly, and one above the navel which breaks the sexual and heart energy connections. These implants are black holes, it connect us to the toplet bombs.

One part of the implants is connected with your mind and programs it as an asset of the matrix.

The primary belief system that you have is “I am not god”  We can decrease the implant’s effects in your mind by placing it in the other polarity. Write “I am god” and put yourself in that state and then write “I am not god” do this for 15 minutes at least.

As we do this exercise we have started to dissolve the primary implant.

For the second implant, the basic message is “sex is not love”. So write these two affirmations alternating, to bring your mind in both alternate states “sex is not love” and “sex is love” around 15 minutes.
You can practice this at home and will help you to dissolve the implants.

We have a physical, plasma, etheric, astral, emotional, mental and a soul body which is the higher self or light body. The process of ascension is to bring the higher self or light body to all the other bodies, they will be absorbed into the light at one point.

Implant Crystal Exercise

Visualize this crystal around you.
See a point of blue light. See yourself standing inside the crystal, and it begins to dissolve all imperfections.
When your light body gets activated is a light crystal and your consciousness is making a portal to higher dimensions, and it creates a rotating torus. It rotates at a certain speed. When we say we increase our energy it increases its speed, certain meditations increase its speed. When it rotates at the speed of light we go through a phase transition or ascension and this is the end of our evolution.

The heart chakra is a portal through which space and time are filtered. There is a rotating sphere generating space and time continuum inside the heart. Looks like a yin and yang when rotating, one part belongs to your twin soul. So no matter what you do, you are connected through this sphere. There is a polarity created by these two parts at this sphere. Male creates electric current, female magnetic field, and the rotation of both creates a field. When it rotates at the speed of light, it becomes your space ship and ascension. After ascension, you will drive your light body.


It is a galactic technology. An advanced pillar of light generated in the motherships over the surface of the planet. From the ship to you, to Agartha, to the center of the planet. Created with highly charged liquid light, and after the 21st of January with particles from the Cosmic Central Sun. It is available to us. It allows teleportation to the motherships, and we can access it with a meditation to connect with that pillar of light:

I call upon the pillar of pure white light 
to descend upon me and to form around me.
I call upon the presence of the I am that I am.
I ask the presence of the I am that I am 
to join and merge with me.

Visualize a mothership sending a pure pillar of white light that is going  
through you, to Agartha, to the center of the planet  
and align your energy field with your I am presence.

Use it to connect with your higher self or for protection, call upon that brilliant pillar of white light.
ATVOR is being developed all the time and it is getting more powerful as the ships get closer.

Group Ascension Process

Usually much faster than individual. It happens only in a soul family dedicated to ascension. Steps:
1. Theoretical, personal.
2. Formation of soul family groups. One aspect of ascension is each one is dedicated to his/her mission and the ascension of the planet.
When a soul family group comes together, that process is accelerated. The group itself begins to activate the group. It is a faster and a more efficient process of purification of the implants and programs . It is magnified in a group process.
Each one of the group families will go through accelerated ascension. It is a reflection of the planetary situation, all your triggers will be triggered faster. Island of Light is an energy vortex that accelerates individual and group ascension. If there is no work, the group will fall apart.

Evolution path: Unconscious group --> Matrix --> soul families.

Monogamy: In a soul family arrangements have two aspects. Monogamy as a belief system will dissolve. Either couples remain dedicated to each other, but not based on fear, but because it is their free will and will not limit freedom to each other (no control, no drama). Or will expand loving connection to other people. Implant needs to be dissolved to a great degree for this to happen. Will reach the kundalini of the planet and has far reaching consequences.

Q. Energetic consequences of heart transplant: Includes the life imprint of another human being and requires adaptation.
Q: Can you dedicate land for contact dish not standing on the land? Yes.
Q: What is the difference between ATVOR and the white fire of An? ATVOR has a different frequency for ascension.
Q: The ships wont land until it is safe from toplet bombs.
Q:The tachyon chambers are getting more energetic as time goes by.

Those who really feel are part of my soul family come to the stage (Again at least a third of the audience went forward, and Cobra made a brief exercise with all of them):

A sphere 20 cm above your head, breath in that brilliant white light into your heart, breath out and send that light to the sphere. Open yourself to feel insight, the purpose, the island of light. You will receive one part of the mission for the soul family and when you feel you have received the answer, open your eyes.

Planetary Ascension Process

It started on the 21st of January when we entered in the second phase of the phase transition. It is the beginning of the introduction of the next cosmic cycle that will transform all primary anomaly, all darkness will be resolved as a result of this new energy. It is of the highest purpose to connect with the cosmic central sun and cosmic central race because it will transform all aspects of your life again.

It is triggering darkness and transforming darkness, one of the darkest periods of human history. With our meditation bubbles of heaven began to condense. Intensity will increase the second phase will be shorter, and light will increase exponentially, and bubbles will condense so nothing will stop them.
III phase Cabal looses power rapidly, soul families gathering, there is intel release, disclosure, and light begins to increase exponentially
In phases III and IV the compression breakthrough happens, it is the maximum moment of light, matrix cracks, removal of dark forces, take over of the mass media, the moment of the victory of the light, the climax of the planetary liberation process.
IV phase very unstable because old society will collapse and new society will begin to form overpowering it. Light becomes the norm. The entire surface population needs to go through the process, disclosure, deeds of the dark forces, individual process. And when critical mass goes through it, stability will come.

V phase. First contact happens officially, through mass media. Process of integration to galactic society starts. Thousand of beings will ascend in the first wave. In the second wave, hundreds of thousands, in the third wave, millions. The second wave of ascension will be between the 5th and 6th.
Trigger physical polar shift, already polar shift happening. We will see a tsunami washes the planet, those ready will be in islands of light. The surface population will be evacuated to other star systems in the Pleiades. The purpose of the galactic super-wave is to purify of all darkness.

Galactic alignment: 1975-2025 is an open portal within transformation is expected to happen. A 13.6 million years cycle will be starting, with a new chapter of cosmic history.

We have been trained to activate our mission and assist in the liberation of the planet and assist on the cosmic cycle. Those attending this workshop are the leaders of this transition, your actions will determine what happens, the force will be with you, you will be able to do it.

This you believed impossible. We have been over an enemy many times stronger and we are winning.
Before we finish we will take things to a next level.  Last month I was in an energy spot on an Isis temple and she gave me certain instructions to revive the mysteries of the goddess. In April there will be a workshop for those with basic level of understanding. Those who want to get deep in these mysteries and work deeper with your energy field (sex-heart) can participate, stay here and receive guidance to bring back the mysteries of the goddess.

Everything was impossible until somebody did it, and we are at the forefront.

Cobra called to the front and thanked the members of the Hungarian team. Then Cobra proceeded to thank a few priestesses but when he mentioned the beloved Isis Astara, Cobra could not hold it and cried inconsolably.

A few minutes later we all were celebrating, chanting and cheering the VICTORY OF THE LIGHT!

Huge hug,


Sketches: Aria230.

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