domingo, 18 de diciembre de 2022

Notes of the Ascension Conference by Cobra, Paris 3-4 Dec 2022

Ascension Conference by Cobra

Paris, 3-4 December 2022

I am pleased to share my notes about this conference, but please notice: this text should not be taken as the exact words of Cobra. 

Intro: We kept the conference small, I will give interesting intel, I will try to make it as simple as possible, easy to understand what is happening on this planet.

Exercise to align our energies:

Close your eyes, watch your breath, breath in brilliant white light and breath out brilliant white light into your surroundings. Breath in brilliant white light into your physical body, and you relax, relax every cell in your physical body and breath out this light into your surroundings, and relax more and more and keep breathing like that. And now your physical body is full of light, and we sing OM 3 times.

Breath in brilliant white light into your plasma body, and release all blockages, anything that does not belong there. You breath out brilliant white light from your plasma body, and it becomes a light plasma body, and we sing OM 3 times.

Same for your etheric body, and you radiate light in all directions, etheric body of light

Same for your astral body and it becomes an astral body of light.

Same for the mental body, and your release all belief systems and doubts, let them go.

And now you breath in brilliant white light in the totality of your being and as you breath out, irradiate that light and become a being of light, you are a being of light, I am a being of light. And as a being of light you are connecting now with other beings of light in this room and become one being of light, and we breath in as one being of light, and now do 3 times OM.
And as a group, as a being of light, we connect with other beings of light, and create a planetary network of light and we see all darkness disappear, all dark beings removed, the light is taking over and confirming the final victory of the light, 3 times OM.

And now we see billions upon billions of stars connected with each other into a galactic network of light and welcoming this planet as the last one to join, fulfilling the old prophesy that there will come a time when all darkness will disappear, and we confirm that by singing 3 times OM.

And now we visualize a pillar of light coming from the sky, going through the whole group to the center of the earth and expelling darkness from this group, this is a place of light, and so be it and so it is.

The general purpose of this conference is to bring light to Paris. It is on an important vortex activated 250 years ago which changed the course of human history, and we will activate it again, that is why I organized this conference here.

If you wish to learn something you have to unlearn the various layers of programming. It started before you were born with implants, bio-chips, later with programs from parents, school, media, society. If you want to find the truth, exercise your mental body. Humanity has been programmed so they can see a small part (elephant pic), we will speak about some elephants in the room. (Pic of the galaxy) All the stars you see are in a little circle (from our perspective, when we look around the galaxy from our position)

Pic Cobra beyond the veil on a Russian military airplane. Various layers on non-physical plane, slaved for millions of years, and it is time to break those, so humanity can be accepted in the galactic society.


Many cosmic cycles are intersecting, not only affecting the human race but the universe. I will present some evidence from science. The universe as a whole is a torus, space-time folded into it, no center, is everywhere and in constant movement, creating energy out of the quantum level. Scientific theories that say that the universe has not reached a state of equilibrium are correct. It is in an unbalanced state. It will shift on a more balanced state and this will change the structure of the physical. Gravity, taken for granted, will change. We are going through an expansion of the universe that started 13 billion years ago. Expanding now, but at the moment of inversion all physical laws will change. Mass of top quarks are in the meta-stability state, not so stable, so what is about to happen is something big, there will be a quantum leap, the quantum reality will hit the next level, and this process filters down from the cosmic level. Each central sun of each galaxy is sending quantum energy, and there will be a galactic wave that will drastically shift life to the next level. The Galactic Central Sun will become more active emitting particles that travel beyond the speed of light. Pleiadians have given us technology to use these particles, The ionosphere is good at absorbing cosmic radiation, good for humans but also absorbs tachyons, we do not get too many, that is why pleiadians gave us technology to bring tachyons to the planet.

Cintamani stone given to most awaken humans and have been deposited by the thousands, can deter thunderstorms, if you know, you can influence weather.

Cobra presented the galactic Cintamani, a stone that has the energies of the center of the galaxy, infused with Goddess energy.

Rhodonite is to remove trauma

St Germain was very active 250 years ago.

The plasma plane is around 85% cleared


Galactic cycle: each galaxy has a galactic heartbeat, a pulse of hi energy coming from the center. One of those pulses has been detected by science, it reverses the magnetic poles, it is very fast.

Pic pre flare- post flare 2011-2021. 9 months after the galactic pulse started to revert, 1 year to complete. When the center of the galaxy changes, it takes about 2 years only.

Elliptic rotating plane, aligned with the galaxy equator, last time it was the Pleistocene. Extinction of 70% of the species, left the plane. This time it will not be that hard, every 12.000 years, proven by isotope tests and it is cyclical. Just before galactic pulse happens there is a change in polarity, and it influences the scalar field, it goes to the quantum field, this influences all the planets.

Cobra shares a picture showing that the earth magnetic field is weakening. First slowly, then moving rapidly. One of them, triggered by a solar storm, happened in 1859, it was a Carrington event, intense solar field.

Now the magnetic field is 25% less and loose 1-2% per year. Solar storm in 776AD, Charlemagne times, was 40 times strong. The one in1859, Carrington event, was 30 times strong, they will continue getting weaker. At 30 times means collapse, at 20 times quite sure collapse of magnetic field.

When the earth magnetic field collapses, there is a strong flash of solar plasma, which burns everything. Geologists have found molten rock melted by solar flares. The moon has a weak magnetic field and molten rocks can be found there.

The earths magnetic field holds the crust and mantle stable. If it is weakened, there will be a huge kinetic energy released, and a tsunami 2-3 miles high.

The Light Forces have built a sphere around the sun. The easier way is to position their ships, and they are suppressing the activity of the sun to a certain degree. We do not need a complete polar shift for the mantle to hold the crust.

The Goddess leyline goes through Syria, Lebanon, Paris. This was the equator thousands of years ago,. There were many temples aligned with motherships in times of Atlantis. Massive stone blocks from up to 2000 tons have been found there.


There is a window for the solar flare that affects the magnetic field, which disrupt cohesion of the mantle-crust. From the spiritual perspective 2025 has lots of evidence going for… the fall of the western civilization. The PC App Socrates explores cycles.

As planets rotate around the sun, they emit a scalar field and create a multi-body field like a mandala, which influences events. It is not that we do not have free will, but these push events in certain directions.

Astrological configuration around 2025 will bring all corruption to the surface. March next year, Pluto in Aquarius can bring enlightenment or dystopian, bring both versions of the reset. The attempt to create a reset start march next year.

In 2025 Neptune from Pisces into Aries means dreamy, hopeful, starts with a focus on spiritual action. Uranus now in Taurus enters Gemini in 2025. Contact with the pleiadians.

Asteroid Sedna Taurus-Gemini, new spiritual, new age, renewed interesting in spiritual and occultism. Brings renaissance, this is happening every 500 years.

Many light workers “know” that something needs to happen, things will be activated when the time is right. There are certain physical laws that cannot be violated, the cabal can delay but not forever.

This weekend of 3rd and 4th or December was the only possible time to make this breakthrough.


Our planet is under very advanced dark technology which prevents the Light Forces from intervening. A very advanced technology that we cannot see affects human society. Human history, specially in the last 5.000 years is full or wars and destruction that was not supposed to be. Black holes are the basis of the dark reality, and produce negative emotions like fear and jealousy. They are a reaction of the quantum body to this. Fear that lasts for more than 1 second is a reaction to the distorted quarantine field. Anger as reaction to injustice that lasts for more than 5 seconds is a reaction to the quantum body to this.

Black holes are not “black holes” but the area of a very massive object, so big not even light can escape. Because in our reality, the speed of light is the maximum speed, technology cannot see it, only math. String theory is quite close to the truth. If we assume that regular space-time is flat, black holes are curves in the fabrics of space. If there are billions, space-time gets pretty messed-up. The basis of space-time is the quantum field. It is full of very tiny movements, a potential for something to happen. If we manage to clear the black holes and remove all distortions, life changes drastically.

Toplet bombs: All matter is based on up and down quarks, but there exists more massive rare quarks, strange quarks are heavy and used to make strangelet bombs, and charm quarks. If you push two atomic nuclei with force and this is left in the vacuum, there is no problem. If matter is around it will grow and grow, and all the earth could collapse in a ball 200 meter wide. With top quarks to 100 meters. The dark forces have this tech, and utilized a huge accelerator around a solar system to create toplet bombs, and this is the main reason why advanced light civilizations are not here. We were made to be alone.

Mjolnir is a quantum cannon which changes the quantum field and stops the reaction of toplet bombs, and will open the way for the good reset. The Light Forces will need to remove the black holes to clear the quantum field. If you could see a black hole from a higher dimension, you will see it as an energy easy to dissolve. There are more than 3D extra-dimensions of space. Some black holes are less massive and can be cleared faster. The dark forces put black holes in our aura, 3 black dots. They are located in the etheric, plasma and mental plane and block the connection with The Source. The essence of an implant is a black hole. The dark forces position those black holes everywhere in our body, also astral and mental body, we all have those floating in our auras. They shutdown part of our mental body, so people cannot make connections, every human being has certain part of their brain damaged. That is why they cannot awake, they cannot make the connection, cannot understand it. Same issue with the astral, and emotional, a specific emotional state they cannot have, same on etheric and plasma plane. So the energy field around the planet is full of black holes, and have been greatly increased since 1996, can be astral, etheric, mental planes. They are being cleared by the Light Forces. They are full of matter, and when some burst out they are full or reptilian entities thrown out of them. These are being cleared, and they are coming to an end.

Formula for the evaporation of a black hole. Usually black holes are massive and distort space, and they take a huge time to evaporate. Mjolnir technology is about making changes to the space-time so the black holes can evaporate faster. The dark forces have a problem because the Light Forces can evaporate them and have a flash of light that evaporates them all.


How can we help the Light Forces to expedite the process. You have to be an example, be intelligent

How to clear negativity? Cut energetic ties, use the violet flame.


It is something not aligned, a distortion. Fluctuations in the quantum foam happen in extremely tiny spaces. If you could see it, you will see it with massive amounts of … and creates a subatomic particle, so when the energy is big enough, it creates something. For example if a photon is created, you will see it. It emerges from the quantum field, it appears to be totally random, but it is not, we have a device that can do that, the Quantum resonator. With toroidal fields you can harmonize the quantum field.

The Light Forces use Mjolnir to harmonize the Quantum field, if the wave is big enough, it creates a particle. The quantum field around the earth is full of black holes and cannot materialize things because of the distortion of the space-time. Spaceships also, it can be dangerous for them. They could have to use 3D ships and they could be shot down. This place is famous across the galaxy for being the most dangerous.


It appears to be stable but it is not. The cosmic change will reorganize the whole universe. One goal is evaporation of all the black holes in this universe. Some are called primordial black holes created at the creation of the universe. And the Light Forces will accelerate the evaporation.

The dark forces are using this planet as a stronghold. The main fortress was in the Orion constellation. In 1996 a decision was made, they decides to sacrifice Orion and bring all darkness to this solar system. They opened a portal and shipped everything here. After 1996 this solar system was packed with everything theirs, and the Light Forces needed about five years to recover from the shock, and created a ring around the solar system with their motherships: It has taken 20 years to clear and now they will start to interfere with the surface. We will see interesting geopolitical events and we are not far from that point. This is why this conference is even possible. Key events are getting faster. The pandemic changed the planet in two weeks. When things begin to happen, they will happen very fast.

Picture: Water boiling – time boiling is human kundalini energy.

Usually kundalini is activated near solar maximum, will converge, exact sequence not known, even the fast quantum computers cannot compute fast enough. Check Few-body problem.

The matrix will breakdown. It is a sum of high technology created by the dark forces to keep humanity enslaved in the physical and non-physical planes. Physics scalar waves, electromagnetic waves, for example fear. Also ultra and infra-sound 9-16 Hz. We cannot hear them but we feel emotionally as fear and worry. Also in the astral planes, and 50 % of the reactions are reactions to this, and they are trying to increase them, and are getting worried.

The Resistance Movement was worried about the consequences but now they are active again. For example the yellow vest movement. In Nov. 2018 when certain priestesses of the Resistance Movement met in the Paris underground and did a specific kundalini activation and created a reaction, it was silenced. The Resistance Movement is active in Paris again, this is why the Paris vortex activation was possible. After The Event the Resistance Movement will assist the surface population. There is a whole new world under our feet, with advanced technology and high spiritual development.

Question: Do 5G modify humans? All electromagnetic radiation changes human beings.


ATVOR is a spiritual technology developed by the Galactic Confederation to assist in the ascension process of the surface population. Used since 1990, it is improving faster, and it is quite advanced now. It is a technology of a pillar of pure white light. It is actually created by light beings when you call upon it. There are huge motherships around the planet that are being called, they are not detectable. Thus, the Light Forces are not only using Mjolnir but also ATVOR. It increases the vibration energy of the bodies from the surface population, let us evoke and feel it.


1) Light nurturing, balancing, harmonizing

2) Presence of light beings that can energetically descend on us. Practice at home.

I call upon the pillar of pure white light

to descend upon me and to form around me.

I call upon the presence of the I am that I am.

I ask the presence of the I am that I am

to join and merge with me.

Visualize a mothership sending a pure pillar of white light that is going through you, to the center of the planet, and align your energy field with your I am presence.

The I am presence, is your higher self which is incarnated in your being and this presence emits a strong light. Without it you would not be alive, and you can access it, if you do this daily you will be fine. The I am presence is a star.

If you purify yourself, it becomes superconductive and your body becomes a spaceship. There are many reports of people transforming in luminous bodies. This was much easier before 1996, since then the dark forces used technology to block it. But this process is being unblocked because the Light Forces are using technology to remove the black holes. One faction of The Galactic Confederation, the Asthar Command, are key on the planetary liberation and ascension. There is a strong propaganda against them, to alienate against them, on the Internet. Asthar is a real being. He exists and he can be very effective.

When polar shift comes people will be rescued in motherships using ATVOR pillars of light, they counteract the gravitational field, and they can lift you up. When this happens do not panic, do not traumatize, because you create resistance and tension. If you remain calm, it will be a beautiful experience.

We are living in a world with not so nice energies. For this purpose we are going to make this protection:

Close your eyes, visualize a bubble of blue light surrounding you and protecting you and stay there for a few moments.

May a bubble of light surround me. May its light shield and protect me, from all negative energy, and so it is.

2nd day:


Question: Hunab Ku is a wormhole with entry and exit points.

The darkness has stolen the idea of a planetary reset form the Light Forces. Thinking for more than one decade, the perspective is different, it is a necessity, it is unavoidable for the structure of the human society. Since August 2019 it is known with mathematical certainty that there is no way to avoid the reset, and both sides know this. Since August 2019, the Light Forces started to prepare for this reset. The dark forces were using this info for banking and pandemic.

Additional delays are partial responsibility for Light workers, which in 2018 and 2019 created a chain of events. So we brought this onto ourselves.

Each culture or society has a certain way to develop. It starts with lots of idealism, great ideas, expansions leads to growth and people get used to it, and then they get crazy, creativity diminishes, and growth stops.


Less and less people come to the government unless they are psychopaths or sociopaths. Because they cannot run the society, the society starts to collapse. Our society is at that point with shock pandemic and shock war in Ukraine. If this had happened 2000 to 5000 years ago the western society would have collapsed. No internet, no electricity? This leads to a barbarian society.

But now we have a very interesting balance close to the collapse, it is more stable, there are cracks on the matrix, as the dark forces want to control, they cannot predict how will it fall, and cannot calculate things, everything is in flux. When those cracks start, the Light Forces will be ready to step in. If the Light Forces make a huge mistake everything will collapse, there is no room for mistakes. They will intervene when serious collapse symptoms occur.

A revolutionary situation is the rising of the kundalini, it means people will start wondering for a better life. When limits are reached it does not matter anymore, you just go for it. There will be a certain amount or group of people who will have had enough, and they will go against the controllers and the Light Forces will intervene, so the society can recover. Times will be chaotic. The surface population has been programmed. People will go through a shock, a psychological realignment to a new reality. People will have to realize, how people have been lying to themselves and to others and will have to adjust fast. The Light Forces will understand how people react and will build better models. The darkness has exceeded expectations. There is a faster way that leads to collapse and disappointment. Because people will not be ready but will not have time anymore, and people will have to go through it. You cannot get ready for this, you have to adapt to it, we will learn from this, and we will be in better shape.


For the Light Forces the future is different, there are timelines conflicting with each other. Inevitably, the galactic forces plans will win. The 2nd law of thermodynamics about entropy from the 19th century is wrong, is upside down. A completely closed system does not exist and the WEF wants to close the system, wants to do a heat pump, decrease entropy for a small group of people, and create a new society which creates a big unbalance. All physical systems tend to equilibrium, it is not possible to keep it going forever. In the same way that it is not possible to stop quantum information flow. Even if they close it, there will be atoms in your body entangled with the Asthar Command.

What the WEF tried to do is to digitalize society, cell phones were introduced not just for information but it is a spying device. What they try to do is to shift all transactions to your phone so they can get access to them. When the time is right the Resistance Movement will hack it, and will be taken by the Light Forces. The Resistance Movement has much better hackers than anybody. So the Light Brother is watching you also. Blockchain is hackable, keystrokes can be traced, even quantum systems can be hacked. The recipient will not know it was hacked, because quantum will have changed. The reason why most media tries to reach your phone is because they try to reach your mind.

In Aug 1971 the US went off the gold standard and created a big change in the financial system. A lot of debt, fictitious money was created.

Behind the scenes, this system is still backed by gold. Central banks in Europe are getting gold. China is more open, India is encouraging to buy jewellery. The Light Forces will use that gold to create the basis of the transactional banking system, which will combine gold, stolen assets, blockchain (connectivity of network) and quantum computing. All these are needed for the transition.

Very important psychological note: many people are waiting but what we have is now. We can plan but we can live now. And what we have is 1000 more times valuable than the future, but we have to live now with resources and understanding we have and create something. People waiting for something to happen will not work, we want to do something now. The proper way is to be here and now do something.

There is an obsession with money on this planet because do not have enough. Diamonds and gold? There are asteroids worth billions in gold. There is a relationship between having more money, and being more happy. Money cannot give you health or relationships but can bring you more freedom to do something, A lot of money will be released in the hands of the lightworkers. People who receive the money has to be reliable. Saint Germain is working in many ways to make it possible. Many projects have been stopped. It is a wrong state of consciousness, healing is needed.


Spirit + impulse of creative thought (rotating clockwise)

Point of transformation – switching of polarities

synthesis of past experiences (rotating counter-clockwise)


-The transitional financial system will be needed only for a short time after The Event.

-We have a general plan created 25000 years ago, but all details cannot be known until they happen.

The Light Forces have been visualizing this for decades. Using the laws of manifestation, things happen. It was not necessary a lot of people to make the decision to build this building. Energy tends to manifest through a wormhole to physical reality. People can cancel each other out. But if people have one idea with a strong coherent signal, it will manifest because it will create a wormhole for this to manifest.

Picture: Every thought, every action creates ripples through this infinite field of consciousness. You are far more powerful than you realize.

We have a strong group of Light Forces that are correcting the timeline to a positive outcome.

Intuition = need to have an idea + physical action = magic. Many people stop at 80 %. All this time and energy are wasted.

Picture: Archon soul contract → had to do it, limited us, has to be cancel it to get our power back.


In the name of the I am that I am,

In the name of the divine soul presence that I am,

In the name of all ascended beings of light,

In the name of the Galactic Confederation,

In the name of the Galactic Center,

I decree and I command to cancel and nullify

all my past present and future contracts

and agreements made between any part

of my being and the dark forces.

All these contracts and agreements and all

their consequences are now completely erased

from my reality.

I am now free.

All the karma of my whole being is now erased as well.

I am a free sovereign being of light

from now until eternity.

So be it and so it is.

In light.

(speak or sign your name here)


I will let go and it will collapse into a new outcome

Consciousness can afflict the quantum field

Quantum physics advise: if we have a huge problem an obviously not harmonic, you cannot solve, you take one part and dissolve first. If you manage to solve that small piece, it will create a quantum wave that will organize the quantum field according to your wishes.

This is the power of the flower of life, it creates a resonant field in the quantum field that resonates in all directions and harmonizes the field of reality. In the renaissance, they were laying cities using sacred geometry.

Q: What are the cloud-ships in Japan doing? They are preparing for the transition.


A galactic wave of love, of divine light is approaching to us. The Galactic Central Sun pulse will reverse the polarities. It is a huge wave of energy that comes from the galactic center. From the spiritual side, it will suddenly appear and change the consciousness in all the galaxy, a very beautiful love will involve the planet. The anomaly is stopping it, but when the black holes and the anomaly are partially gone, we will be feeling this.


The goddess was present in time of Atlantis, was preserved through the solar shift and neolithic in Europe. There was a huge presence of Goddess temples before the polar shift in Europe. The equator was crossing Europe. An archon wave happened 5000 years ago, they killed priestesses and there is now 5000 years of unhealed past. Memory needs to come back, and with memory comes awareness.
You can get your memory back if you visit those places, for example the Goddess temples in Malta. It is the key of reawakening, what you remember will go against programming and everything you know. The Goddess energy will return remembrances and connexion with higher self. Years ago with Isis Astara, the Sisterhood of the Rose was created. It was a very old and ancient society which was helping to keep Goddess mysteries active in ancient Egypt and Rome. A renaissance was recreated a few years ago, some physical groups kept the guidance or were pure enough to hold the light.

Cobra called Sisterhood of the Rose participants to come forward to reactivate the Sisterhood of the Rose, they were put on a circle and Cobra asked:

Visualize the presence of Goddess Isis standing above your head and call upon her presence, invite her to enter into your body, your energy field, invite her to merge with you.

And as you breath in, you breath in the presence of Goddess Isis,

and as you breath out, you breath out the Goddess presence into this room.

And now all leaders of Sisterhood of the Rose call upon, to do whatever is necessary to bring the presence of the Goddess on planet earth, and you can visualize the energy of the Goddess flowing into your groups and from your groups to the planet.

And now each leader will get a blessing from Isis Astara and be in silence to receive this blessing.

You are becoming aware of your physical body and open your eyes.

- Cobra asked if there is a message from the Sisterhood of the Rose

- Debra and Agi will be coordinating the Sisterhood of the Rose

Cobra: This is a very good start of a new cycle, two things are important:

Meet physically, regularly. Online are much less effective, same time every week and location. 3 meditations are mentioned in the Sisterhood of the Rose's site. You are welcome to do something beautiful and nice following your higher guidance. In this new cycle there are a few aspects. 1st, soft and caring aspect. The cabal makes it hard and though as possible and creates a dis-balance. 2nd, aspect which is about to come to this planet, beauty on physical body and surroundings. The cabal has worked hard, art and architecture are not the best today. Beauty through adoring your physical body


The old renaissance understood beauty in art, it had a higher presence which triggered awakening in the 15 and 16 centuries and caused progress. The same energy needs to come back. We have managed to create a new cycle and these principles need to find the groups so they can influence the planet.

Aspects: It is required to have physical temples of the Goddess in a public, open space, that can bring energy of the Goddess, were people can learn about the Goddess. It is time for the Sisterhood of the Rose to start a temple to the Goddess. Through dance, art and music mysteries can be shared. Right now there is only one in Glastonbury, 5000 years ago were thousands of temples. It is time to start creating those temples again. Those who have a direct connection, and inner experience, can do this, bring energy of the Goddess to the people through dance, meditation, etc.

Q: Why in 1996 the Archons invaded the earth? Because earth is a galactic prime real state.

- female sexual energy needs to be healed and Sisterhood of the Rose will go to the next level.

Problems are found in light workers and human society. People are fighting with each other because people have reptilians attached to lower chakras, attached to the base chakra, they are afraid, the sex chakra is distorted. The solar plexus has to do with creativity. There is a symbiosis with the human hosts. the Light Forces are clearing them more and more from black holes, it is very hard to get rid of them. Be aware that this exaggerate your aggressiveness, competition, lower emotions and if human beings are aware of this you can diminish their effects.

Step out of meaningless disputes, conflicts resolve by themselves, step out of that frequency and stay in your own guidance and light, they will try to create as much drama as possible before being cleared.

People are plugged into the matrix, they don't want to get out, this is reason why it is taking too long. Even after The Event people will refuse to leave it, and the Light Forces will simply shutdown the matrix. They will shut down the TV/radio/internet. Personal message systems will work, not social sites.

What happens when someone gets partially awaken, but there is no change? It is because the reptilian entity pushes the button and everything goes back to the same. Leaving the matrix means cutting the connections, first with the matrix and live your life according to your own guidance, according to your free will. People won't be ready for The Event, forces of nature cannot wait for them, everybody (plants, animals,) have enough, it is only us who have not enough.

Q: animals go in circles because they do not find magnetic poles

Isis has thousands of names and each is a ray of love, Astra, Inana, Astarte, are the same being.


On the 18th century the ground work was made. It was when ascended beings decided to bring as much light and awakening as possible because they knew the dark forces would strike. Astrologically it was harmonious and this „trying“ went for a 100 years. Almost all the 18th century was a century of light, and the main focus was Paris. This is the real reason why Paris is called the city of lights. Connection to Isis are found in two temples, one is the Notre Dame church, the other 2 km west side. Those priestesses were keeping Isis presence alive, even in Roman churches until they were found and removed.

Since the 17th century in times of Louis 14, secret groups were keeping mysteries alive, and were bringing some mysteries to Paris (in architecture). Some people were trying to keep it visible, in plain sight. There are certain groups in Paris connected with the Goddess mysteries.

Those mysteries are somehow hidden to the surface population. The zodiac of Dendera through the 19th century was Astarna, existed in a temple. Hator is a sister Goddess to Isis. So, the temple of Hator in the middle of Paris, in Louvre. Paris is on a leyline, and was chosen by Saint Germain for the project New Atlantis. He began together with key people in the court of Louis 14. First Paris later Versailles. Usually the original vortex happened in the city, why moved? Too much corruption.

infinity symbol of Paris and Versailles is the infinite loop of energy.

One secret group used mudras to send messages (several paints were shows where the ladies were showing mudras with their hands) for the Sisterhood of the Rose. Saint Germain gave mysteries of the Goddess to Madame Pompadour to become Priestess, the training was partially successful, and she managed to trigger some changes, for example, expelled the Jesuits, they had to go.

Madame Pompadour under Saint Germain gave raise to high culture. This prevented the entire society from collapsing. She was involved in politics but not always following the guide from Saint Germain.

Princess Lamballe was later trained by Saint Germain to bring the Goddess Mysteries to masonic groups. She was also given private instructions. She started the first female masonic group. She was working with the timelines, the main center of operations was Versailles. The temple of Love, in 1778 was build under instructions from Saint Germain, princess Lamballe had something to do with it, the king gave the order. Petit Trianon, the hall of mirrors, is a hyper dimensional chamber. These are the most connected to the portal that it is about to open.

Painting in Bank of France, 30 meters below this painting are 2000 tons of gold, painted by Boucher, he was initiated into the goddess mysteries, was far ahead of our time. This painting is full of symbolism. Go to the bank or see it from their website. Codes: peace bring abundance, love brings abundance.

Other lodges initiating on mysteries of the Goddess around 1775. 1774 Louis XV became king, 1776 American revolution. This is the year when the ascension of the planet was secured.

The Jesuits tried to stop Cagliostro. He was also initiated in the Goddess mysteries. He created lodges of Isis, one in Paris, in which occult rituals were happening. A few weeks later, he was arrested and framed with the “affair of the necklace”. The Jesuits wanted the Bourbons because of the Goddess mysteries. They got Cagliostro, jailed him and they fought the Bourbons. During the revolution, they killed princess Lamballe and destroyed the Goddess mysteries. The Petit Trianon was the place of the queen. Not even the french king knew what was happening in Petit Trianon.

Pic 1778 when the Temple of Love was finished.

After the Jesuits were expelled from France they contra attacked. They organized a congress in Germany and infiltrated them, infiltrated the french lodges with their ideology. After the revolution, it was easy for the Jesuits to do their work.


It is about time to reactivate the Paris vortex. Cobra invited people from Paris, and only 4 people came forward. Later more people came forward. Cobra:

Princess Lamballe is with us. Visualize Goddess Isis above your head and invite her presence to merge with you. The purpose of this meditation is to reactivate the Paris vortex, to bring back the Goddess, to bring back the light to this area, and Isis Astara is bringing the blessing and Princess Lamballe and Saint Germain are giving their blessings.

And this vortex is now activated.


They are a group on earth of spiritually advanced human beings, but quite liberated from it, guiding humanity. The archons are involved in a secret project called (blue moon?). Next step is in a few weeks. 10 members present in Paris. This group is working behind the scenes to bring a new renaissance. The astrological configuration is strong on 2023 and 2024, and super strong in 2025.

I know we are living in the same world, you need to be careful with your energy field. We will meet our soul families and we will be able to create in the future.


Finally returning to the light, reuniting with time to activate yourself and your mission. Everything was impossible until someone did it.

Version: 2022.12.24 Revised by Cobra.

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